The future of the Kyoto Protocol was looking bleak last month as the world's nations geared up to climate change talks in Montreal on 28 November. However, the outcomes appear to have surprised eve...

Councils are currently investigating what happens to their recycled rubbish, in light of a BBC documentary which suggested that around 500 tonnes had been shipped to Indonesia. Customs at Jakarta i...

Further delays to the UK implementation of the WEEE Directive became apparent this month, after the DTI announced that they were intending to immediately...

EU ministers finally came to an agreement in December over the highly contentious REACH Regulation, in spite of the German general election and further intense lobbying from industry and environmen...

New waste proposals published by the European Commission could result in more household waste being incinerated. The draft Waste Framework Directive sets out an agenda for waste policy in Europe an...

An experimental new 8.5 million tidal energy product in Strangford Lough has been described as a fantastic opportunity for Northern Ireland to demonstrate their commitment to renewable and sustaina...

A new EHS Northern Ireland Air Quality Monitoring Report has just been published for 2004, which shows that air quality is good in Northern Ireland for most of the time.
The HSE is currently discussing possible new ways of enforcing breaches in health and safety legislation. Due to the lack of sentencing options available to courts, prosecut...

The HSC's proposed amendments to the current asbestos legislation has raised some crucial questions. It has been suggested that the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations <...

The recycling industry has recorded yet another fatal accident, where an employee at JFC plastics became trapped and crushed in a plastic bottle repossessing machine at their St Helens site. In Aug...

The Scottish Executive is currently consulting on the first in a series of guides with regard to the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, which will come into force in 2006. These sect...