Updated Aug 29, 2007

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Pun limit REACHED?

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), in accordance with the devolved administrations for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales has published a summary of the 51 responses to the consultation process on the enforcement of EC Regulation 1907/2006, on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH), which came into force on 1 June 2007.

The summary reflects that the approach contained in the proposed system of enforcement is largely welcomed. However concerns were raised that the system would be undermined by inadequate resources for enforcement, particularly with regard to the absence of provisions on the methods for obtaining such funding. Many of the responses also emphasised that uniform processes should be operated throughout the EU, in order to make sure that companies in Great Britain and Northern Ireland were not placed at a competitive disadvantage. Clarification was also sought on the wider impact of the REACH system, including the interaction of the measures with the existing body of legislative provisions.

REACH aims to make those who manufacture, market and use chemicals responsible for understanding and managing their risks, and both Great Britain and Northern Ireland are required to have an enforcement and penalties regime in place by 1 December 2008.

Further details on this summary can be found at

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