Updated Oct 28, 2011

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NI recycling up

Environment Minister Alex Attwood has this month welcomed figures which show the amount of household waste collected by district councils has fallen by 4.2%, with recycling and composting rates rising to 41.5%. This averages out at 126kg of waste per person, which is a decrease of 7kg compared to the same point last year.

The tonnage of recycled and composted household waste remains unchanged. However, as a result of the reduction in waste generated, the household recycling and composting rate rose to 41.5%, the highest figure recorded for the April - June period. The Northern Ireland Waste Management Statistics for this period also highlight a 15.3% decrease in the amount of biodegradable municipal waste being landfilled by councils compared to the same quarter last year.

Minister Attwood said, "Biodegradable waste should not be ending up in landfill as it produces a double hit of greenhouse gases and leachate which harm the environment. I am therefore heartened to see both this reduction and the good progress made towards meeting our European commitments and targets. We all know that prevention is better than cure so it is particularly encouraging to see a decrease in waste produced by households. Waste prevention is my key message to all - and is more easily summed up in the well known phrase "Reduce Reuse Recycle". It is heartening to see that recycling and composting rates are rising. These changes made by householders and industry together save us all money and help create an environment and society where citizens want to live, work and invest."

He continued, "This good news should be an impetus for more challenging targets. I plan to set them. I want this part of these islands to lead the way on emission and recycling targets. I hope to make announcements soon."

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