Updated Feb 29, 2012

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HSE target construction sites

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that construction sites will be under the spotlight between 20 February and 16 March as they attempt to reduce death, injury and ill health at them.

Construction is a notoriously dangerous sector and it accounts for a large portion of injuries and deaths at work. In 2010/2011, there were 50 deaths in construction and almost 2,300 injuries were reported, making it one of the most dangerous careers in Britain.

As a result, the HSE are carrying out this intensive inspection of construction sites throughout Britain where refurbishment or repair works are being carried out, focusing on high-risk activities such as working at height and making sure that sites are clean, tidy and safe.

Philip White, the HSE's Chief Inspector of Construction, said, "The refurbishment sector continues to be the most risky for construction workers, all too often straightforward practical precautions are not considered and workers are put at risk. In many cases simple changes to working practices can make all the difference."

He added, "Poor management of risks in this industry is unacceptable. As we have demonstrated in the past, we will take strong action if we find evidence that workers are being unnecessarily put at risk."

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