Offshore opportunities in danger of blowing over

Offshore wind energy in the UK is unlikely to reach its full potential unless there is additional support, a report commissioned by the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) has shown. The researc...

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DEFRA announces air quality strategy review

Proposals to cut air pollution, reduce breaches of air quality objectives and improve human health have been published for consultation. Air pollution is currently estimated to reduce the life expe...

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New Code of Practice causes a stink

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has published a voluntary Code of Practice for operators of sewage treatment works in order to try and minimis...

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Purple pollution peril

A soft drinks manufacturer has been fined £6,000 and ordered to pay £2,101 in costs by Pontefract Magistrates Court for leaking a "purple, frothy, fruity-smelling discharge" into the Wash Dike in W...

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Fund boost for green energy

The campaign to promote renewable energy in Northern Ireland has received a significant boost with the launch of a £150 million Irish Renewable and Sustainable Energy Fund. The private sector initi...

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Rooker seeks better bathing waters

Environment Minister Jeff Rooker has announced the publication of the "Review of Identification of Northern Ireland Bathing Waters in 2006", which seeks views on review proposals and the nomination...

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Sea of change needed

The Joint Marine Partnership (JMP) has issued an urgent challenge to the Government to overhaul Northern Ireland's current marine management mess, or risk irreparable damage to our seas. The JMP ca...

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Scaffold death inquest

An inquest into the death of a worker who was fatally injured when scaffolding collapsed at a Milton Keynes construction site began on 20 April. John Robinson died in hospital the week after the in...

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Fine for lift companies escalates

A lift operating company has been fined £400,000 at Southampton Crown Court after pleading guilty to a major breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Otis Investmen...

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Steel plant tragedy

A father of two has died in hospital as a result of burns suffered after an accident at the Corus plant in Port Talbot, South Wales. Corus said Kevin Downey was injured when he fell onto a flow of...

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Fireworks company displayed dangerous legislation breach

Mars Pyrotechnics Ltd of Harlow, Essex, have been prosecuted and fined £5,000 by magistrates after they were found guilty of allowing five tonnes of fireworks to be stored dangerously. The case was...

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Theatre urges audience to "break a leg"

A theatre operator and a stage production company have been fined a total of £36,000 for breaching the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, for failings which led to an...

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Oil Storage Scotland Regulations published

The much anticipated Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations SSI 2006/133 were published on 10 March and came into force on 1 April 2006. Their aim is to requ...

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Climate change target to be missed

Britain's role as a leader in the fight against climate change has suffered a devastating blow with the Government forced to admit that they will fail to meet a key target to cut greenhouse gas pol...

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Menzies merciless in calls for greener taxes

In his first major speech as new leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Menzies Campbell claimed his party must embrace stringent green taxes and urged them to "think afresh". He signalled his suppor...

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