Updated May 3, 2013

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UK policy up in the air

The Supreme Court has ruled that the UK Government has failed in its legal duty under the Air Quality Directive to protect people from the harmful effects of air pollution.

The landmark decision in ClientEarth's favour is a departure from the judgements of the lower courts and paves the way for the European Commission to take legal action against the UK. The ruling means the UK Government could now face stiff European fines, may have to consider banning cars from some cities and limit the entry of heavy goods vehicles in order to reduce air pollution.

ClimateEarth's case related to 16 cities and regions across the UK, including London, Manchester and Glasgow, which Government plans show will suffer from illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide until as late as 2020 or 2025. Their CEO James Thornton said, "This historic ruling marks a turning point in the fight for clean air and will pile the pressure on the Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson. Faced with court action, he must now come up with an ambitious plan to protect people from carcinogenic diesel fumes. Until now, his only policy has been lobbying Europe to try and weaken air pollution laws."

He added, "The Supreme Court recognised that this case has broader implications for EU environmental law: The Government can't flout environmental law with impunity. If the Government breaks the law, citizens can demand justice and the courts must act."

For more information, see:

  • Directive 2008/50/EC, on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.

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