Updated Mar 18, 2024

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Inspector's recommendation overturned on solar farm project

Local government minister Simon Hoare has overturned a planning inspector's recommendation that a solar farm project should be refused for its heritage and green belt impacts.

PINS inspector Richard Clegg recommended refusing planning permission for the scheme, but the application was called in for decision by the Secretary of State by a direction, made under the Town and County Planning Act 1990.

The decision was delegated to Minister Simon Hoare who granted permission to a 49.9-megawatt solar farm at Great Wymondley, proposed by AGR 4 Solar Ltd, and will be operational for 40 years.

Inspector Richard Clegg felt the benefits of the proposal, which included power to 17,756 homes (around 31%) of the homes in the district, did not outweigh its heritage and green belt impacts.

However, Minister Simon Hoare did not agree with this and stated that "weighing in favour of the proposal is the production of renewable energy which the Secretary of State considers carries substantial weight, including the wider environmental benefits associated with increased production of energy from renewable sources".

Overall it was decided by the Minister that the "public benefits of the proposal do outweigh the less than substantial harm".

Planning permission was granted for a solar array with associated battery storage containers and ancillary development including means of access and grid connection cable.

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