Updated Dec 14, 2011

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When Santa got stuck up the chimney, he wasn't being safe

It's that time of year again! Christmas decorations are going up, office parties make sure the year goes out with a bang (hopefully not literally) and minor embarrassment will be experienced by some. But it will be even better to start the New Year without any new entries in the accident book! Staying safe at Christmas does not mean festivities have to be ruined. Just by following these easy steps you can make sure Christmas at work is safe and fun.

Decorating the office:

  • when decorating the office, use some stable stepladders and not a swivel chair;
  • avoid placing decorations such as tinsel near to computers - accidentally covering a vent could be dangerous;
  • don't place decorations on top of heat sources otherwise you may get a large insurance claim;
  • make sure emergency exits and emergency signs are not blocked by decorations;
  • check to make sure your Christmas tree lights meet modern safety standards and aren't too old, and always turn them off before you leave work.

The office party:

  • make sure office parties are cleared by your employers, they are still liable for accidents and damage after the working day ends;
  • it is a good idea to make sure someone at the party is trained in first-aid but remember, don't force people to attend, some people will not want to go;
  • make sure you know where the nearest fire extinguishers are;
  • if alcohol will be present, check to see if the company has an alcohol policy and follow it if so;
  • equally, if alcohol is present make sure the floor is clear of clutter to avoid tripping;
  • make sure party food is kept in the fridge to avoid any illness;
  • avoid using the photocopier to create copies of your anatomy - broken glass will leave you in A&E and no office chair will be able to counter the discomfort, you'll end up feeling like the angel on top of the tree;
  • move desks and computers safely away from liquids;
  • finally, make sure you make arrangements to get home safely!

These points are very simple to follow and take very little preparation or thought and importantly they do not spoil the fun. Have a safe Christmas.

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