Updated Sep 26, 2007

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Civic amenity sites to be manned

Fermanagh District Council has this month begun manning some of its civic amenity sites around the county, in an effort to tackle the problem of unapproved waste being dumped at the skip sites. Out of 30,000 tonnes of waste a year, around 16,000 tonnes comes from civic amenity sites. The manned facilities include those at Enniskillen, Lisnaskea, Belleek, Garrison and Kesh, with others to open soon in Kinawley and Tempo.

The changes have resulted in the reviewing of unmanned sites. Some have been closed and others scaled back to become bring bank sites, where glass, textiles and paper can be recycled but waste is not accepted. The sites at Florencecourt, Teemore and Clabby are in the process of closing for waste disposal. The Council has also been investigating the potential for recycling polystyrene, aluminium and foil.

The Chief Executive of the council has said that they will be keeping an eye on the sites in order to make sure the service is successful and used properly. It has also been suggested that anyone caught fly-tipping should be made to clear up the rubbish they have tipped, instead of just receiving a letter from the council detailing the offence.

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