Updated Jun 15, 2018

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Ben and Jerry's to campaign for on-shore windfarms using half price ice cream

Stop everything, Ben and Jerry's have announced their creative campaigning method for onshore windfarm support.

Half price, punnily-named (see what we did there?) ice cream.

Available on "Windy Wednesdays", the campaign sees a variety of popular ice cream flavours renamed to such delights as:

  • Cherry Gale-cia;
  • Caramel Blew Blew; and
  • Strawberry Breeze-cake.

Now, as much as this is positive publicity and advertising for the Unilever-owned dessert giant, it's worth recognising the efforts of the company regarding social issues, such as those on the environment, equality and fair trade.

It was only a few years ago that the then-Australian environment minister, Andrew Powell, asked Australians to boycott the company, over their anti-dredging campaign. He stated that the campaign falsely portrayed the reef's environmental reputation in the midst of several worrying media features.

It also opposed drilling the Arctic, and supports environmental charity and campaign group, WWF.

So, what's not to love about this? Positive campaigning for on-shore windfarms, clever uses of language and half-price ice cream?

Sounds good to us.

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