Updated Nov 1, 2007

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Construction company courting controversy

McGreevy Construction Limited was fined a total of £22,500 on 11 October 2007 at Belfast Crown Court, after pleading guilty to numerous breaches of health and safety regulations. The court case followed an extensive and thorough investigation by the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSE NI) of the partial collapse of a former four storey textile mill in Carrickfergus that the company was converting into apartments. Fortunately nobody was injured as a result of the incident which occurred during the night. Had it happened during the working day then there could have been multiple fatalities.

Following the hearing, Ken Logan who led the HSE NI investigation said, "This incident is a direct result of a failure by the company to identify the risks, plan the work properly and provide appropriate supervision. Notwithstanding the fact that no-one was injured the work involved in clearing up and rebuilding has been put at several hundreds of thousands of pounds. The Judge got it right when he said that it is only for the grace of God that no-one was killed in this incident. The message is clear, the construction industry must be proactive in managing risks at site level as failing to do so will not only have high financial penalties, as in this case, but can also result in loss of life."

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