Updated Dec 18, 2023

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Save energy and costs this Christmas

Each year we all look forward to the time of year when we can put up our Christmas decorations. While we enjoy the bright displays of lights and colours, we must keep in mind the amount of energy consumed.

On Christmas day alone, the UK uses £66 million of electricity. Nobody wants to miss out on the festive atmosphere or holiday cheer that decorations bring. However, there are some small changes that we can make which will significantly reduce energy usage as well as bills! 

Here are some top tips to save energy, costs and reduce our carbon footprint:

  • opt for LED, solar paneled or even battery-operated Christmas lights and decorations. LED lights use 90% less energy than traditional ones and last up to fifty times longer;
  • get a timer so the lights turn off automatically at certain points;
  • shop smart and buy lights that are energy star certified;
  • reduce your energy usage by using less electricity overall, this can include unplugging devices not in use and turning off the lights when leaving a room;
  • use an air fryer or slow cooker to reduce energy from cooking; 
  • turn the heating down and wear extra layers, even turning the thermostat down by 1°C could save as much as £60 per year;
  • switch off the screens and embrace the Christmas spirit by playing board games with family or friends.

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