Updated Dec 7, 2021

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HSA launch nationwide inspection campaign in construction sector focusing on dangers of working at height

On 26 October, the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) began a construction inspection campaign, focusing on safety when working at heights. Over two weeks the campaign targeted both small and large construction sites across the nation. 

In 2020, throughout the construction sector, 16 people lost their lives, and six of these fatalities were caused due to a fall from working at height. Slipping or falling led to 1,898 work-related incidents, with 21% of these falling from height. 

Throughout the campaign, inspectors encouraged employers and those self-employed in construction to ensure they complete risk assessments, and have the right equipment, safety gear and knowledge to work at height safely. To ensure this safe working environment, workers are recommended to:

  • carry out risk assessments for work at height activities, and make sure all work is properly planned, organised and carried out by a competent person;
  • follow general principles of prevention for managing risks from work at height - taking steps to avoid, prevent or reduce risks; and
  • choose the right work equipment and select collective measures to prevent falls (such as guard rails and working platforms) before selecting those which may only reduce the distance and consequences of a fall (nets or airbags), or only provide fall arrest through person protection equipment.

Assistant Chief Executive with the HSA, Mark Cullen, commented: “Working at height has added risks and therefore the need for extra precaution and advance planning. We urge employers and the self-employed on construction sites to carry out a risk assessment which includes a careful examination of what harm could be caused from working at height with a view to taking the necessary steps to manage the risks. This may mean avoiding the activity altogether or, where this is not reasonably practicable, by carrying it out in a safe manner using the appropriate work equipment.”

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