Updated Sep 30, 2024

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Energy storage facility approved in Staffordshire

An inspector has ruled that limited harm caused to a greenbelt setting will be outweighed by the benefits of a new energy storage system.

Conrad Energy (Developments) II Ltd proposed the energy storage facility for a site off Armshead Road, Werrington. Amongst other things, the location was chosen for its proximity to the Cellarhead substation.

Initially the proposal was not granted by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council due to possible impact on landscape. However, Planning Inspector Andrew McCormack felt that the impact would be limited.

The decision states that the "appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of storage containers, support infrastructure and security fencing for Battery Energy Storage Facility along with landscaping and all associated works at Land off Armshead Road, Werrington".

The key considerations for the proposal included:

  • whether the proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt, having regard to the Framework and any relevant development plan policies;
  • the effect of the proposal on the:
    • purposes and openness of the Green Belt,
    • character and appearance of the surrounding area, with particular regard to landscape character,
    • living conditions of nearby residents with regard to outlook, noise and lighting, and
  • whether any harm by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, would be clearly outweighed by other considerations, so as to amount to the very special circumstances (VSC) required to justify the proposal.

Each of the above were considered, and Planning Inspector Andrew McCormack stated: "I conclude that very special circumstances exist to overcome the harm to the Green Belt and any other harm and justify the proposed development in the Green Belt. Furthermore, there are no material considerations which would indicate a decision other than in accordance with the development plan."

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