Updated Sep 22, 2023

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FSC Forest Week starts tomorrow!

FSC Forest Week starts tomorrow (23 September) which is a worldwide campaign that calls upon all forest stewards to help drive consumer awareness about the importance of sustainable forestry.

The aim is to inspire these customers to act by choosing FSC-certified products - "Trust the Tree and Choose FSC".

Thriving forests are key to our fight against the climate and biodiversity crises. To achieve FSC's vision of healthy resilient forests that sustain life on Earth, it is critical to raise awareness and inspire responsible actions that positively impact our environment.

This year's theme shows the social and environmental benefits of FSC certification, encouraging us to help tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and deforestation.

With 1.6 billion people reliant on them for their livelihoods, and approximately 80% of the world's terrestrial animal species calling them home, it is our shared responsibility to protect these precious ecosystems. Choosing FSC-certified products helps safeguard biodiversity and protect endangered species.

The FSC label is the world's most trusted mark for sustainable forestry. When you purchase FSC-labelled products, you are helping forests and the people that rely on them, thrive by supporting:

  • zero deforestation;
  • fair wage and work environment;
  • the change from preservation to conservation;
  • community rights.

Look for the FSC label when you shop for:

  • tyres;
  • sports equipment like skis and wetsuits;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • furniture and home decor;
  • paper products, packaging tissues, and coffee cups;
  • books and art supplies;
  • timber.

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