Updated Jun 20, 2024

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SNP 2024 Manifesto

As we head towards a new political landscape, our Barbour writing team will pick out the key policies, pledges and manifesto talking points from all the main political parties that are going to affect you. We'll keep you in the loop leading up to the General Election, and after it, so you won't miss a thing!

The SNP Party have proposed a number of policies related to Climate change and energy.


The party will demand the devolution of powers over energy regulation, pricing and production to ensure that Scotland's natural energy resources are used to best serve the needs of the Scottish people. They believe with full powers, they could make changes to the electricity grid system that currently holds back the development of renewable energy in Scotland, including reducing fees for Scottish producers to connect. They will urge the UK Government must invest at least £28bn a year in the green economy to deliver a step change in public and private investment in net zero and major investment in the domestic supply chain. As part of this investment, the UK Government would seek an equity stake in future energy projects. The return on this investment for the taxpayer will be used to directly benefit Scottish people by protecting jobs, growing the green economy and lowering energy bills.

The SNP party aims to build a fairer, greener economy.

SNP MPs will demand that the UK government:

  • bring forward an immediate emergency budget to deliver investment in green energy;
  • work at pace with the Acorn Project and Scottish Cluster to secure the fastest possible deployment;
  • modernise the Contracts for Difference;
  • take an evidence-based approach to oil and gas;
  • support the North East and the Just Transition;
  • deliver a sustainable future for Grangemouth;
  • rule out nuclear power plants in Scotland;
  • promote Scotland's hydrogen export potential;
  • ban new coal licences;
  • provide fair funding for the climate;
  • establish a Four Nations Climate Response Group;
  • provide sustainable funding for farming;
  • give Scotland a rightful share of marine funding;
  • prioritise Scotland's unique fishing needs.

The party also hopes to achieve a cleaner, greener transport system.

To do this, SNP MPs will call for the UK government to:

  • promote a fair and affordable transition to zero-emission transport fuels;
  • ban the import and sale of new, non zero-emission buses by 2025;
  • fully support the production and use of sustainable bridging fuels in the maritime and aviation sectors;
  • strengthen incentives to purchase cleaner vehicles;
  • establish a new Low Income EV Car Leasing Fund, backed up by at least £500m, to enable 50,000 EV leases a year to benefit low income families.

For more information, see the:

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