Updated Sep 19, 2014

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Rate of deforestation rises by 29%

Satellite figures show a jump in deforestation as agriculture grows in the states of Para and Mato Grosso in Brazil.

Deforestation in the Amazon accelerated hugely last year, according to final figures released by the Brazilian Government.

Data over twelve months found a massive 5,891 square km of forest were cleared in the Amazon.

The largest rainforest in the world, has an important role in reducing global warming, as deforestation worldwide accounts for up to 15% of annual emissions of heat trapping gas. This is more than even the transportation sector.

As well as the negative effects on global warming, the Amazon also holds massive numbers of relatively unknown species that could be wiped out.

It is thought some contributing factors to deforestation could include illegal logging and the invasion of public lands neighbouring to big infrastructure projects in the Amazon.

Environmentalists are arguing more needs to be done by the Brazilian Government to target in particular illegal loggers and stop the depletion of the Amazon.

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