Updated Aug 29, 2014

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Ladder safety highlighted at the Ladder Exchange 2014

The annual Ladder Exchange scheme is up and running through until December this year!

In the scheme, users of ladders can take damaged, old or broken ladders to participating partners to exchange the old for a new one at a discounted price.

The scheme highlights the need for safe equipment, with falls from heights accounting for the main cause of death or injury at the workplace.

The Ladder Exchange estimates up to two million ladders are in daily use in the UK, and the Ladder Association, who are running the Exchange, want to emphasise the importance of ensuring the ladders used are in good working order.

Visit for more details, including finding your nearest partner. We advise you to take a few moments out to scroll through the "Idiots on Ladders" section, for clear, comprehensive demonstrations on how not to use ladders.

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